From the Pastor’s Desk …

From Pastor’s Desk

Well, the hot, hazy and dry days of summer are about over and we’re all back! The way we come back and come together is vital. Let’s take to heart and put into action the Holy Word of God;

If then our common life in Christ yields anything to stir the heart, any loving consolation, any sharing of the Spirit, any warmth of affection or compassion, fill up my cup of happiness by thinking and feeling alike with the same love for one another, the same turn of mind and a common care for unity. Rivalry and personal vanity should have no place among you, but you should humbly reckon others better than yourselves. You must look to each other’s interest and not merely to your own. Let your bearing towards one another arise out of your life in Christ. (Philippians 2:1-5)

On the behalf of my wife, Jeanne, our children, Esther and Tim, and myself, I want to sincerely thank all of you for the numerous ways you have welcomed us into your lovely Church and community. It is with a great anticipation and joy that your new parsonage family come to Lebanon to share in the ministry of Round Valley United Methodist Church. We are delighted to be part of church family here at Round Valley.

Our church is at a point of transition. A new pastor has been appointed to lead that congregation. With the changing of the pastors often comes a period of questionings and even skepticism. What kind of person will he/she be? What kind of changes will he/she try to make?


I know I won’t be able to satisfy your curiosity fully at this time. But I want to tell you that one thing I always like to emphasize in my ministry is to “touch” the lives of the people and “share” my heart with them in Christian love.  Although ministry can be stressful and frustrating sometimes, it is my pray that I do not lose my focus on “Christ” in the midst of “busyness of everyday life.

Furthermore, I as a pastor come among you with this goal: “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved by him, a worker who has no need to ashamed, rightly explaining the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). Christian work is a shared labor of love. I look forward to what we can accomplish together in God’s name. I ask for your prayers as this new chapter opens in the life of Round Valley Church.

Pastor’s Installation Service is set for Sept. 19 which in a way is Homecoming Sunday. Let us all join together for this special service on September 19 and praise the Lord together with all our might. Service will start at 11AM joined by our sister congregation of Changewater UMC. Of course there can't be a homecoming without a covered dish lunch following the service. Please bring either a salad or main dish to celebrate the Family of God gathering for a new season. (And, if you forget to bring something, do stay anyway because there are always plenty of loaves and fishes.)

It is my prayer that you all make your way back to this wonderful event would bring all church families together at church for an exciting day of worship, celebration, lunch and fellowship in Christ.


"A few days ago I walked along the edge of the lake and was treated to the crunch and rustle of leaves with each step I made.  The acoustics of this season are different and all sounds, no matter how hushed, are as crisp as autumn air."
-   Eric Sloane

I was looking for a quote that captured essence of everything that fall means to me and the one above seemed perfect.  Fall has always been my favorite season, even though I am often plagued by allergies.  I love the crisp evenings, the roadside displys or mums and pumpkins, football and the food. I spend many of my Saturdays cooking soups, stews and pies.

 Traditionally, fall is also a time of fellowship at RVUMC with dinners, the town garage sale, and holiday celebrations.  But having these events to enjoy requires people willing to volunteer to organize and help.  I am organizing the Pork & Pies dinner on November 20th.  As I prepare for this event I am creating a “How to” guide for others who may be interested in running an event, but just aren’t sure how to get started.  I hope this guide will encourage more people to step forward and run an event which can be a very fun and rewarding experience!

Lord, help us to appreciate
The work that others do,
The service given from their hearts,
Their sacrifice for You

Deb Rosene




Don’t Forget – Mark Your Calendars!

September 25th – 8a – 4p

Lebanon Annual Town Garage Sale!

Remember – as you clean out your basement, attic, etc. – bring your gently used toys, books, household items, small furniture items, clothes, etc. for the church to sell.

Please keep items at your home until the week of the sale.  If possible, price and tag items before bringing to church – this will be a tremendous help!!  Items will be organized on tables outside Friday evening before the sale – weather permitting. 

We will also have a food stand in front of the chruch selling hot dogs, soda, BBQ, and baked goods. 

Help is needed on Thursday, Friday and Saturday – more information to follow.  Contact Arlene Lane if you would like to volunteer or have questions about donations.

More Events!!

Youth Happenings

Youth fellowship kick-off is planned for Sunday , Sept 26, 3-5pm. 


Events Continued:

Sept 25 – District Resource Day – Renewal – Practical Steps – contact Pastor Paek if you would like to attend. Time and Place, TBA

Sept 26 – Bishop Hymn Sing, The Great Auditorium, Ocean Grove, N.J.



Church Choir is starting up again, practice will be held on Thursday evenings from 6:30-7:30p

Anyone interested in a Bell Choir – Please contact Cindy Campbell – the choir is open to all ages and prior music experience is not necessary.

The RVUMC Women’s group has purchased 10 new tablecloths which will be used for dinners and special events.  These tablecloths will be stored in the upstairs storage area.  Older tablecloths for coffee hour and general use will continue to be located in Fellowship Hall in the drawers beneath the coffee maker.

Please remember:

Do not leave extra food from events or coffee hour in the church refridgerator.  This food frequently goes bad creating additional clean-up.  Please take extra food home with you or dispose.

Also, if you use tablecloths for coffee hour or other purposes, please remember to wash them and iron them so they will be fresh for future use.


Coffee Hour Hosts are needed for the Fall.  Please sign up in Fellowship Hall.

Loaves of Love – Remember you canned goods for our food pantry.  With the economy 14 % of people in New Jersey live beneath the proverty line.  Your help truly makes a difference.


9/2 Leslie Wells

9/3 Mary Lou Seymour, Terry Faidley

9/4 Thatcher Simpson, Megan McKay

9/8 Rich Gibson

9/13 James Simpson

9/18 Anne Gosnell

9/21 Gene Brokaw

9/23 Mary Gosnell

9/25 Doris Perry

9/26 Hope Simpson


9/7 Rob and Lynn Laramour

9/9 Drew & Melissa (Winship) Birschynski

9/14 Jessica & Jonathan Campbell